Seller Home Features Step 1 of 4 25% First Name*Last Name*Email Address* Phone Number*Best Time To CallMorningAfternoonEveningStreet Address*City/State*Zip Code*Neighborhood/Community About the PropertyType of Property*Single Family HomeCondominiumLoftTownhouseLandBeds*Baths*Approx. Age of BathsOverall Property Condition*ExcellentGoodPooorApprox. Age of KitchenApprox. Sq. Ft. (Not sqft incld. basement)*Approx. Square Footage in your basement – just finished areas.*Basement typeSlabCrawlFinishedUnfinished Partially FinishedWalkout basementDo you have views / waterfront etc?Lake viewsYear round mountain viewsWinter mountain viewsRidge line viewsOcean ViewsRiver ViewsForest ViewsState Park ViewsCookie cutter - no viewsInter - coastal viewsNoneHome many Car Garage — Attached? Detached? Out building? Please Describe, this will help us in the valuation.*Private ParkingNone/StreetGaragePrivate GarageDriveway Delve a little deeper....Describe your Yard?Fireplaces — how many and where?*Noteworthy Property FeaturesRecent Upgrades / RenovationsHOA (Fees and Benefits?) if none - please write NONE Why are you selling?*Moving to another area (more than 50 miles)DownsizingNeed a bigger homeNeed a less expensiveDo not need to sell - Just would like valueWhere are you moving to?*When do you plan to sell?*No Plans — just sometimeASAP!Next monthNext 3 months4+Desired Price for Your Home :*Are you going to need to purchase a home when this home sells?*YesNoFinancesSo we can prepare an Estimate Net Proceeds Sheet for you, home much do you owe on your mortgage?What did you pay for your home?*What year did you purchase?*What is your mortgage payment per month?If the property is rented, please provide the leased agreement terms and monthly rentsDid you have an appraisal in the last six months? If so, what did it come in at?Yes — I will dig it out!Have never had an appraisal – even when I boughtIs your home currently listed?*Yes, currently and happyYes, currently listed and unhappyNot ListedWas listed in the last 6 months, no longer listedWas listed in the last year, no longer listedWhat programs are you interested in that we offer?Please check out our Exclusive Seller Programs How did you hear about us:*Wanted introduction to the most innovative team in my areaRadio AdvertisingHomes and LandTelevision advertisingTop Rating on Angies ListKeller Williams is the #1 Brokerage in the USFriend told me about youFacebookGoogleIf you are currently working with a Frux Homes consultant, please enter his/her name below This iframe contains the logic required to handle Ajax powered Gravity Forms.